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Pizza Sauces: The Staple of Italian Cuisine

When it comes to classic Italian cuisine, Pizza sauce is one of the most essential pantry staples. It contains a medley of subtle flavors that can make any pizza dish sing. As such, it’s important to understand exactly why pizza sauces are so important and what makes them special.

The most basic ingredient of pizza sauce is tomato paste. This thick concentrate adds a deep flavor and rich color to any pizza. It’s usually cooked down with aromatics like garlic, onions, and herbs for an added punch of flavor. Common additions include oregano, basil, and red pepper flakes for a bit of heat.

Using quality ingredients is key when making pizza sauce. Whole tomatoes are especially important since they not only bring intense flavor but also a more complex taste. Garlic and onions add a bit of sweetness while basil and oregano add herbal flavor. In addition, adding a few tablespoons of olive oil during cooking can enhance the sauce’s flavor even further.

When it comes to preparing the sauce, it’s important to cook it slowly over low heat. This allows the flavors to develop and blend together. If you’re in a rush, you can use canned pizza sauce as a substitute – just be sure to adjust the seasoning to your preference.

While pizza sauce is traditionally associated with Italian cuisine, it can be used for a variety of dishes. From pasta dishes to calzones or as a marinade, its uses are limitless. You can also use pizza sauce for dipping, either on its own or as part of a dip or salsa.

Pizza sauce is a pantry staple that no kitchen should be without. With its versatility and robust flavor, this classic sauce can be used in a variety of dishes to make your family meals even more delicious.

We offer various Pizza products from top brands.

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