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Ice Axes

Ice axes are essential equipment when it comes to mountaineering and ice climbing. Ice Axes are used to traverse steep and icy terrain, as well as providing protection in a self-arrest situation. There are many different types of ice axes available on the market, from classic mountaineering tools to modern technical tools. So, what should you look for when buying an ice axe?

The first thing you should consider is the type of terrain you will be travelling across. Ice axes come in three main types: walking/glacier, mountaineering and technical climbing. Walking/glacier axes are designed for relatively flat terrain with less than 50 degree inclines. Mountaineering tools are designed for more difficult terrain and have a slightly curved shaft for better purchase when cutting steps into ice or snow. Technical ice tools are specifically designed for technical climbing on vertical and overhanging ice. They generally feature two or three picks and a curved shaft for improved purchase and easier placement.

The next factor you should consider is the weight of the axe. As ice axes are typically carried all day, the lighter the better. Unfortunately, lighter axes do tend to be more expensive, so if you are on a budget then a slightly heavier model may be the better option. Remember to check the length of the axe - while you don’t want too short an axe, it’s important that it’s not too long either. Too short and it won’t provide enough leverage, too long and it can be difficult to use correctly.

When it comes to purchasing an ice axe, there are a few other things to consider. Handles on ice axes come in a variety of materials; the most common are aluminium and plastic. Aluminium handles are generally more durable, but plastic handles are often more comfortable and easier to grip when your hands are cold. The pick of an ice axe is also an important factor - look for a pick that’s confident, with no soft spots or deformities. Finally, check to make sure that the head of the axe is securely attached to the shaft. This is arguably the most important part of the whole tool, and if it isn’t secure then the axe could fail in use.

Ice axes are an essential piece of mountaineering and ice climbing equipment, and it’s important to choose the right one for your needs. Consider the type of terrain you’ll be travelling across and the weight of the axe, as well as looking at the handle and pick. With the right axe, you’ll be ready to tackle any icy adventure!

We offer various Ice Axes products from top brands.

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