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Freestanding Bathtubs

Freestanding Bathtubs - A Guide

Freestanding bathtubs are a luxurious addition to any bathroom, providing a relaxing and inviting atmosphere. Freestanding bathtubs are distinct from the alcove or built-in tubs that are common in many homes, as they stand separately from other fixtures and can make a small bathroom look larger. Choosing the right freestanding tub can be tricky, as there are many shapes, sizes, materials, and styles to consider.


Freestanding tubs can be made from a wide variety of materials, each with its own advantages and drawbacks. Cast iron is a popular choice for many homeowners due to its durability and classic look. It is also cost-effective and easy to maintain, however it can be difficult to move. Acrylic is another popular option, as it is lightweight and can be shaped into a wide variety of styles. However, acrylic does not retain heat as well as other materials, and can chip if scratched.

Fiberglass is also found in many freestanding tubs, as it is relatively inexpensive and comes in a wide range of colors. It is also durable, but can be prone to scraping. Finally, porcelain-enameled steel is a great option if you are looking for a modern look, and it is extremely durable, although it can crack if exposed to extreme temperatures.

Size and Shape

When choosing a freestanding bathtub, it is important to consider both the size and shape of the tub. Most tubs come in standard sizes, but it is important to measure the space you have available to ensure that your new tub will fit. Additionally, the shape of the tub should be taken into consideration, as some shapes may be better suited to certain spaces than others. Common shapes for freestanding tubs include oval, round, rectangular, and corner.


Installing a freestanding bathtub can be a challenging task for someone who is unfamiliar with plumbing. It is important to follow all instructions carefully, and make sure to consult a professional if needed. Typically, the tub will need to be connected to the water supply, drain, and overflow. If you are installing a cast-iron tub, it is important to make sure that it is securely anchored to the floor, as they can be fairly heavy.


With its unique style and luxurious feel, a freestanding bathtub can transform any bathroom into a relaxing oasis. There are many styles, materials, and sizes to choose from, so it is important to take your time when making a decision. Additionally, be sure to have a professional plumber or installer help you with the installation process to ensure that your tub is properly installed.

We offer various Freestanding Bathtubs products from top brands.

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