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Floats are a type of masonry tool used to level and smooth wet cement and mortar. They are also used to produce a smooth, flat surface in concrete walls, paves and driveways. Floats come in a variety of sizes, shapes, and materials, and the choice of float should be based on the specific job.

Floats are typically made from steel, aluminum, or other metals, and are either flat or angled in shape. The larger floats are usually used for leveling and smoothing large surfaces such as driveways, while the smaller ones are used for finer work such as plastering and painting. When selecting a float for a job, it is important to consider the texture of the surface. A coarse float is used for rough surfaces, whereas a fine float is used for smoother surfaces.

The main difference between a float and a trowel is that a float is used to level and smooth wet cement, while a trowel is used to shape and scoop up material. Floats have a much greater surface area than trowels, allowing them to cover a lot more ground in a shorter amount of time. This makes them a much faster way of getting the job done, particularly when working with large areas.

When using a float, it is important to make sure that you apply the right amount of pressure. Too little pressure will limit the effectiveness of the float, while too much pressure can cause the cement to become uneven or impossible to work with. It is important to practice using the float before tackling a project, so that you can familiarize yourself with the correct pressure needed for the job.

Floats are an essential tool for any masonry job, whether it is a small patch job or a large renovation. They save time by providing an even finish, and are an invaluable addition to any tool box. With the right float and the correct technique, any project can be completed quickly and efficiently.

We offer various Floats products from top brands.

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