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Electric Violins

Electric Violins: An Innovative Instrument for Musicians

Electric violins are a relatively new invention that have revolutionized the world of classical stringed instruments. They blend the classic virtues of an acoustic violin with modern technology and create a unique sound that has been embraced by musicians of all genres. Whether you're trying something new to incorporate into your traditional ensemble, or experimenting in the electronic world, electric violins can open up a range of options to enhance your music.

Electric violins use pickups like any electric guitar. These pickups usually come in the form of either magnetic or piezoelectric pickups. Magnetic pickups contain magnets and coils that sense the vibrations of the strings and convert them into electrical signals. Piezoelectric pickups use crystals that vibrate when in contact with the strings and generate an electrical signal.

These pickups are fitted into the body of an electric violin and plugged into an amplifier or speaker system. This allows the sound to be amplified and manipulated, sometimes with the added help of effects pedals. Electric violins can also be plugged directly into computers for recording or for live effects and processing.

Electric violins offer some distinct advantages to acoustic violins. One is that they produce a louder sound than an acoustic violin, which is great for playing with bands and other ensembles. The sound of an electric violin is also more consistent, since there are no environmental factors to worry about. This means that you don't have to worry about tuning or adjusting the instrument anytime you move it.

The electronic sound of an electric violin can also be expanded in various ways. You can adjust the tone of the instrument in a variety of ways, such as boosting treble or bass frequencies, adding distortion, and using a variety of effects pedals and processors. This allows electric players to explore and modify their sound in ways that were unheard of in the classical world.

Electric violins allow for a wide range of playing styles. They can be played acoustically, amplified, or processed through effects pedals and computer programs. Some models even allow you to connect other external sound sources, such as synthesizers or drum machines, into the instrument for additional versatility. With electric violins, you can approach music in a completely new way and create unique sounds that were never possible before.

Electric violins come in a variety of shapes and sizes. They can be fretted or fretless, standard size or travel size, and can also have an option for five, six, seven, or eight strings. Most electric violins also come with a bow, preamp, and case, making them ready to play right out of the box.

Electric violins have opened up a world of possibilities for musicians. Whether you're looking to explore new sonic territories, experimenting with different effects and sounds, or just want to add another dimension to your acoustic playing, electric violins are the perfect instrument for the job. There's something new and exciting waiting to be discovered, and electric violins make it easier than ever to find it.

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