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Shower Doors

Understanding Shower Doors and What to Consider When Shopping for Them

Shower doors are one of the main components of a bathroom, providing privacy while allowing access to and from the shower. Along with style, materials, and functionality, there are several things to consider when looking for the perfect shower door. This article will cover the types of shower doors available, important features, installation considerations, and common accessories.

Types of Shower Doors

The first step in selecting a shower door is to decide which type best suits your needs. There are three main types of shower doors: sliding doors, swing-open doors, and corner doors.

Sliding Doors: Sliding shower doors are popular in smaller bathrooms, as they don’t require any extra space for the door to swing open and can be installed close to a wall. They require two tracks, one on top and one on the bottom, that the door slides along. This type of shower door is also relatively easy to install.

Swing-Open Doors: Swing-open shower doors are similar to standard interior doors. They are generally made of heavier glass and usually require handles or knobs to open them. One drawback to this type of door is that it requires more space to open, as the door swings outward.

Corner Doors: Corner shower doors are designed to fit into the corner of a bathroom, providing efficient use of space. They are typically custom-made and are quite sturdy. They come in both sliding and hinged models. The downside is that they can be more expensive than other types of shower doors.

Features to Consider

Once you have decided which type of shower door you would like, there are several features you will need to consider. For example, you will need to decide on the type of glass used. Some common choices include tempered glass, which is highly durable and shatterproof, frosted glass, which provides extra privacy, and framed glass, which comes with an aluminum frame for added support.

You will also need to decide on the type of frame. Frameless doors are the most popular type, as they provide an open and modern look. Framed doors have frames around the edges and are usually made of metal or wood. The frame can also be used to add color and texture to the shower.

Finally, you will need to consider hardware. Most shower doors come with some type of handle or knob for easy opening and closing. You can also find shower doors with fold-in panels for additional privacy and convenience.

Installation Considerations

Installation is another important factor when it comes to selecting a shower door. If you are performing the installation yourself, make sure to read the manufacturer’s instructions carefully. If you plan to hire a professional, make sure that they are experienced in installing your chosen type of shower door.

It is also important to consider the size of the door. Make sure that the door you select is properly sized for the opening in your shower enclosure. Measure the space twice before ordering the door to ensure that it will fit correctly.

Common Accessories

Once you have chosen the proper door, there are a few accessories that you may want to consider adding. These include door sweeps, which fit along the bottom of the door and prevent water from leaking into the bathroom, and shower curtains, which provide extra privacy and protection from water splashing outside the shower.

Shower doors can be a major investment, so it is important to take the time to research the options and select one that meets your needs. By considering factors such as the type of door, the type of glass, and the hardware, you will be able to find a shower door that will last for years to come.

We offer various Shower Doors products from top brands.

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