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Everything You Need to Know About Planters

Planters are an essential part of any garden or outdoor space. Whether you’re looking for a way to add some color to your home’s exterior, or you’re wanting to grow herbs and vegetables on your patio, having planters is important. Thankfully, you have plenty of options when it comes to buying planters to suit your needs.

When it comes to choosing planters, the very first thing you’ll want to consider is size. If you’re thinking of growing herbs or vegetables in particular, you’ll need to think about the size of their root systems, as well as of course, the amount of space you have available. Generally speaking, planters that are 16-18 inches in diameter suit most needs, but if you’re unsure, it’s always better to go for a bigger planter than a smaller one.

Another factor to consider is material. When it comes to planters, there is no “right” answer when it comes to material, it all depends on personal preference. Clay, for example, is ideal for rustic and traditional gardens, whilst plastic is a great option for those looking for something more affordable. On the other hand, resin and metal planters look great in modern spaces and are also very durable.

When it comes to planter placement, this will also depend largely on what you’re growing. Your planter should be in a spot that receives ample sunlight, but be aware of how extreme temperatures can affect your plants. In terms of spacing, it’s best to leave several feet of distance between each pot, as this will give all the plants enough room to spread out.

Finally, you need to think about drainage, especially when planting flowers or vegetables. It’s important to ensure that your planters are properly sealed and fitted with drainage holes, as this will help to prevent the roots from becoming waterlogged. Alternatively, you could simply buy planters that come with built-in drainage systems.

With the right planters, you can transform any outdoor space into a stunning garden. Just remember to choose the right size and material, to place them in the right spot, and to make sure that your planters have adequate drainage.

We offer various Planters products from top brands.

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