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Pillow Forms

Pillow Forms: The Basics

Pillow forms are an essential item for anyone interested in making their own pillows. Pillow forms are the shell that is filled with cushioning and stuffing to create a soft and comfortable cushion. They can be a surprisingly versatile item for projects ranging from simple home décor items to large-scale commercial furniture pieces. Knowing which pillow forms to choose can help ensure a successful project.

Types of Pillow Forms

There are a variety of pillow forms available, depending on the desired project. For example, a person looking to make a plush pillow may choose a traditional foam pillow form while someone crafting a more structured pillow may opt for a foam-backed fabric pillow form. There are also specialty forms made from materials such as fiberfill, down, wool, and cotton batting. The material chosen should depend on the desired look and feel of the finished pillow.

Factors to Consider

When selecting a pillow form, it’s important to consider the size and shape of the finished product. Smaller, square-shaped or rectangular pillows are best suited for smaller spaces, while larger, round pillows are ideal for larger areas. It’s also important to consider the fill material and density. For example, lightweight foam forms are best for lighter projects, while denser forms are better for heavier items. Additionally, it’s important to pay attention to the form’s care instructions—Different forms require different types of cleaning, so be sure to properly research before purchasing.

Benefits of Pillow Forms

One of the biggest benefits of using pillow forms is the time saved from having to stuff the pillows manually. This saves crafters time and effort, allowing them to focus their energy on the sewing and design of the pillow cover. Additionally, using pillow forms is a cost-effective option for those on a budget. Pillow forms can be purchased for a fraction of the cost of buying pre-made pillows and stuffing. Finally, using pillow forms eliminates the need for fancy equipment such as a sewing machine or serger. Hand sewing the pillow cover is all that’s needed to finish the project.


Pillow forms can be an invaluable tool for any crafter. From saving time to aiding in cost-effectiveness, they are a great addition to any project. By taking into account size, shape, material, and care instructions, crafters can easily select the right pillow forms for their projects. With the right pillow forms, any project can be a success.

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