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Heat Guns

Heat Guns Guide

A heat gun is an essential tool for anyone who works with materials like plastic, wood, laminates and metal. It's used to apply heat in order to soften material or join two pieces together. There are a wide variety of different types of heat guns available on the market, so it can be difficult to know which one is right for your needs. In this guide, we’ll explore the different types of heat guns available and their uses, so you can make an informed decision when purchasing one.

Types of Heat Guns

The two main types of heat guns are standard models and industrial models. Standard models operate at a low level of heat and are suitable for a variety of applications including stripping paint, softening adhesives, and melting candy. Industrial models are more powerful and can reach temperatures up to 1,200°F. These are ideal for soldering, welding, shrinking packaging, and other more intense tasks.

Other Features to Consider

When choosing a heat gun, there are some additional features to take into consideration. First, does the model offer variable speed settings? A variable speed setting allows you to adjust the heat for more precise control depending on the task. Some models also come with rotary switches, which allow you to easily switch between hot and cold air, as well as between off and on.

Next, consider the accessories that come with the heat gun. Many models include nozzles that can be used for precision tasks like removing labels and decals. Some also come with probes and reflectors that can be used to direct the heat more accurately. These accessories can be useful for complex tasks, so it can be worth investing in a model that comes with them.

Finally, look into safety features. Many modern heat guns come with built-in safety features such as overheat sensors, shock absorbing handles, and auto shut-off timers. These features will help ensure that you’re using the heat gun safely and efficiently.


Choosing the right heat gun can seem daunting, but if you take into account the different types of models available, their uses, and the accessories and safety features they come with, you’ll be sure to find one that’s perfect for your needs. With the right heat gun in hand, you can tackle any job with ease.

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