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Hard Parts

The transmission, also known as the drive train, is an integral part of any vehicle. It transfers power from the engine to the wheels, ensuring that the vehicle moves forward. Given its importance, it stands to reason that hard parts in the transmissions and parts category are essential for proper maintenance and operation. This article provides an overview of the hard parts that make up the transmission.

Manual Transmission Hard Parts

The manual transmission is the simplest type of transmission, and it includes the transmission case, the shaft, the synchronizers, the reverse gear, the shift forks and the clutch. The transmission case protects the internal components, while the shift forks direct the shift lever. The synchronizers match the speed of the gears when shifting, and the clutch engages and disengages the engine when the driver shifts gears. The reverse gear allows the vehicle to move backward, and all of these components must be in good condition for the manual transmission to work properly.

Automatic Transmission Hard Parts

Automatic transmissions are more complex than manual transmissions, and they include the transmission case, the torque converter, the brakes, the planetary gear sets, the clutches and the hydraulic system. The transmission case protects the internal components, while the torque converter allows efficient transfer of power from the engine to the wheels. The brakes regulate the speed of the vehicle, and the planetary gear sets allow the driver to select different gears. The clutches engage and disengage the engine when the driver shifts gears, and the hydraulic system is responsible for controlling the operation of the clutches.

Replacement Parts

It is important to replace any worn or damaged hard parts in a timely manner in order to avoid further damage to the transmission. There are a variety of aftermarket parts available for both manual and automatic transmissions, including transmission cases, synchronizers, shift forks, torque converters, clutches and brakes. In some cases, it may be necessary to purchase an entire transmission assembly rather than just replacing individual parts. It is important to ensure that any replacement parts that are installed meet the manufacturer's specifications.


Hard parts in the transmission and parts category are vital for proper operation of the vehicle. Manual transmissions include the transmission case, the shaft, the synchronizers, the reverse gear, the shift forks and the clutch, while automatic transmissions include the transmission case, the torque converter, the brakes, the planetary gear sets, the clutches and the hydraulic system. Replacement parts are available for both manual and automatic transmissions, and it is important to ensure that any parts that are installed meet the manufacturer's specifications. With proper care and maintenance, these parts will help to ensure that your vehicle runs efficiently and reliably.

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