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Baits & Lures

The use of baits and lures in pest control is an effective way to get rid of unwanted pests. Baits and lures can help to deter or control rodents, insects and other pests from your patio, lawn, and garden.

Baits are food sources that are attractive to a wide range of pests and can be used to draw them away from plants, furniture, and other items. They often contain chemicals that kill or repel the pests, so they do not return. Baits can come in many forms, such as pellets, granules, bait stations, sprays, and liquid concentrates. Common baits include rodenticides, insecticides, slug and snail bait, and ant baits.

Lures are also used to attract pests. These often contain attractants such as sweet scents or pheromones to draw them in. Lures may also contain chemicals that kill the pests or repel them from the area. Examples of lures include sticky traps, fly paper, and pheromone traps.

When using baits and lures for pest control, it is important to follow the directions on the packaging. It is also important to check the labels to ensure that they are safe to use around people, pets, and other animals. Furthermore, baits and lures should be stored in a safe place where children and pets cannot reach them.

Baits and lures can be a great way to control pests in your patio, lawn, and garden. They are easy to use and can help to keep pests away from your home and outdoor spaces. However, it is important to read the labels and follow the directions on the packaging when using these products, in order to ensure their safe and effective use.

We offer various products from top brands for Baits & Lures - Click Here for our catalog.

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