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PlayStation 3 Accessories

The PlayStation 3 (PS3) is a legacy console that has an impressive library of games and a great selection of accessories. The PS3 accessories available range from charging docks to help keep your controllers charged, to external cooling systems that prevent overheating during long gaming sessions. Let’s take a look at some of the most popular PS3 accessories, so you can get the best out of your console.

Controller Charge Docks and Batteries

Having a controller charge dock or extra battery packs for the DualShock 3 controller is essential for anyone who spends a lot of time gaming on their PS3. If you are using rechargeable batteries, then a charge dock helps you always have a fully charged controller, as it charges multiple controllers simultaneously. If you’re using non-rechargeable batteries, then an extra pack of batteries makes sure you always have one ready to go.


For gamers who are serious about online play, then investing in a good headset is key. A good headset not only enhances your online experience by allowing you to communicate with other players, but it also allows you to enjoy music, movies and other audio with great sound quality. The PlayStation silver wireless headset is a popular choice for many PS3 owners, as it is comfortable, lightweight, has 7.1 virtual surround sound and has a built-in microphone.

External Cooling Systems

PS3 consoles can heat up quite quickly when playing games for extended periods of time. An external cooling system, such as the Nyko Intercooler, helps prevent overheating and potential hardware damage. The Intercooler has a pass-through design which allows it to connect directly to the console without taking up additional outlets or cords.

Storage Devices

Most PS3 consoles come with a pre-installed hard drive, but they often lack the space needed to store large numbers of games. The good news is that you can expand the storage capacity of your PS3 by attaching an external hard drive or USB flash drive. This will give you more room for Data Storage, game saves and more, so you never run out of space for your games.

The PlayStation 3 is a legacy console that has many great accessories that can enhance your gaming experience. From controller docking stations to headsets, there are plenty of PS3 accessories available to help you get the best out of your console.

We offer various products from top brands for Accessories - Click Here for our catalog.


The Nintendo DS is one of the most popular gaming consoles of all time, and its accessories are just as sought after. Whether you’re looking for something to enhance your gaming experience or to help protect your Nintendo DS, there are accessories available for any need.

One of the first accessories you will want to consider is a case. Like other handheld devices, the Nintendo DS can be subject to scratches and dings, so it’s important to keep it protected at all times. Cases range from simple plastic shells to more elaborate designs complete with compartments for games and extra styluses.

Another great accessory is a power adapter. Many Nintendo DS models come with a charger, but some require an additional adapter if you want to use it in places where AC power is not available. This is especially important for people who play their DS during long car rides or while taking public transportation.

For those looking for a bit of customization, decals are a great choice. Decals come in many different designs and can easily be applied and removed without causing any damage. Just make sure you purchase decals specifically designed for the Nintendo DS.

Screen protectors are also an excellent addition to any Nintendo DS. Not only will they help keep your screen from getting scratched, but they can also protect against dust and dirt buildup, which can reduce the system’s overall performance.

Finally, memory cards are a must-have for anyone who plans on downloading games or transferring photos and music between devices. Depending on how much data you plan to store, you may want to opt for one of the larger capacity cards available.

No matter what your needs are, there are plenty of accessories available for the Nintendo DS. To get the most out of your gaming experience, consider investing in a few pieces of hardware and take your gameplay to the next level.

We offer various Accessories products from top brands.


We offer various Accessories products from top brands.

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